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 HomeWhat the Patient Needs to KnowFollow-up after Particle Beam Radiation Therapy

Follow-up after Particle Beam Radiation Therapy

Regular Examinations at the Patient's Primary Hospital

After the therapy is finished, we have the patient visit his/her primary hospital to receive examinations. Normally, we request the patient's primary hospital to conduct regular examinations and tests after the particle beam treatment. We conduct a follow-up on the patient using the patient chart (which the patient keeps himself/herself) to work in close cooperation with the primary hospital.

Patient Takes the Central Role
  in Our New Follow-up System

Patient Chart

We believe that all medical information about the patient belongs to the patient. By giving the patient chart to each patient when the particle beam radiation therapy is completed, we disclose this medical information. The patient chart contains all information necessary for patient follow-up, including the symptoms before the radiation therapy, a record of particle beam irradiation, and the effects of the therapy. The contents of the patient chart are updated by the Follow-up Supporting Team at HIBMC over a defined period of time, and the patient can easily learn his/her current condition. The patient, the patient's primary care physician, and the staff at HIBMC all have access to the same medical information by using this patient chart.

Follow-up at the Patient's Primary Hospital and Understanding of Medical Information

We normally have all patients receive outpatient examinations after the particle beam therapy, as well as regular tests, at their primary hospital. And we ask the patient to mail us the test results along with the patient chart, which he/she can do by following the test results lending procedure. This way, we can accurately understand the patient's medical information. Using the patient chart, we conduct follow-up on the patient for 5 to 10 years after the completion of the therapy and give advice as specialists of particle beam radiation therapy. Because we accept questions and consultation requests by telephone, fax, and e-mail, the patient should not be anxious about being unable to visit to our facility. Should the patient have any delayed side effects or become suspicious of recurrence, he/he can contact us to schedule a visit and receive consultation in person.

Request for Patients' Assistance with Questionnaire

We occasionally send out questionnaires to our patients via mail or fax to ask about current conditions. If we receive a request for consultation from a patient, we will respond by telephone or in writing.

Mission Statement
About Particle Beam Radiation Therapy
Treatable Cancers
What the Patient Needs to Know
 Flow of Events for Particle
 Beam Radiation Therapy
 Follow-up after Particle  Beam Radiation Therapy
To the Primary Care Physician
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 1-2-1 Koto, Shingu-cho,
 Hyogo JAPAN 679-5165
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